Sabtu, 14 Januari 2012

Kumpulan Motion Debate

Rd1: This house believes that national sporting teams should reflect the diversity of the national population

Rd2: This house believes that all states have a right to nuclear weapons

Rd3: This house believes that governments should not provide benefits on the basis of marital status

Rd4: This house believes that central banks should set limits on government spending

Rd5: This wouse would prioritise asylum Seekers who have engaged in armed struggle against oppressive regimes

Rd6: This wouse would allow teachers unions the right to strike

Rd7: This wouse would require individuals to reveal their actual identity when communicating on the internet

Rd8: This house believes that the southern african development community (SADC) should pursue political union

Rd9: This house believes that social movements should use the courts rather than the legislature to advance social change

Octo: This wouse would buy countries votes in nternational organizations

Qtr: This house believes that courts should not enforce wills that discriminate on the basis of race Semi: This house opposes organised religion

Final: This wouse would invade Zimbabwe

EFL Semi: This house supports a one state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

EFL Final: This wouse would give more votes to the poor

ESL Qtr: This house believes that domestic courts should try foreign nationals who commit war crimes abroad

ESL Semi: This wouse would prefer that the children of racial minorities be adopted by parents of that race

ESL Final: This house believes that the courts should break up consistently dominant political parties

Masters Rd1: This wouse would buy local

Masters Final: This house prefers a philosopher King to a tyrannical democracy

Round 1
This house would ban labour unions.

Round 2
This house believes that developing nations should pay for the full tuition of female university students.

Round 3
This house would financially incentivize both inter-faith and inter-ethnic marriages.

Round 4
THW prohibit high-ranking members of the Sri Lankan military and the Tamil Tigers from participation in the election.

Round 5
THW abolish taxes on alcohol and cigarettes that go beyond normal sales taxes.

Round 6
THW prosecute communities for complicity in honour killings.

Round 7
THW grant those diagnosed with terminal illnesses the right to access treatments that have not completed clinical testing.

Round 8
THW partition Sudan.

Round 9
THW ban all pornography.

EFL Semifinals
This House would use faith based rehabilitation in prison.

EFL Final
This House believes that democratic states should own their own broadcasting corporations.

ESL Quarterfinals
This House would ban any scheme intended to cure homosexuality

ESL Semifinals
This house would allow prisoners to raise their babies behind bars.

ESL Final
This house would prohibit expression that portrays convicted war criminals in a positive light.

This house believes the West should recognise the Dali Lama

This house would ban all procedures to alter one's racial appearance.

THB that the United States government should subsidize Twitter to liberalize oppressed societies

Grand Final
THB that the media should show the full horror of war

Final : That this house would allow abortion at all stages of pregnancy

Semi Final: This house believes governments should subsidise private home ownership.

Qtr Final: This house believes that the international criminal court should prosecute crimes against the democratic process.

Octo Final: This house would arm local militia to fight the taliban in Afghanistan.

ESL Final: This house would implement quotas for domestic players in national football leagues.

EFL Final: This house would prohibit all private health care.

Round 9: This house would ban the publication of political opinion polls.

Round 8: This house would apply a lower rate of income tax to women.

Round 7: This house believes that the west should recognise the independence of Abkhazia.

Round 6: This house would criminalise adultery.

Round 5: This house believes that China and India should bear the same obligations as the West in fighting climate change

Round 4: This house would force the religious desegregation of Northern Irish schools.

Round 3: This house would allow soldiers to sue their government for negligence.

Round 2: This house would fire the senior managements of all corporations which receive government bailouts.

Round 1: This house would ban all forms of gambling.

Womens Debate: This house would ban all forms of religious gender discrimination.

Adj Test: This house would allow insurance companies to view genetic test results in assessing potential customers.

Round 1: This House would mandate the purchase of insurance in disaster prone areas.
Round 2: This House would prosecute players who commit flagrant fouls for assault.
Round 3: THW grant amnesty to dictators who voluntarily leave office.
Round 4: THW would mandate a quota for women on the boards of large corporations.
Round 5: THW create a public forum for active duty military personnel to criticize government policy.
Round 6: There is context: "Intellectual property is one or more of patents, copyright or trademarks." This was read to the debaters before the motion was read. Round 6: TH would charge an annual tax on intellectual property.
Octofinal motion: THB that human shields are a legitimate target in war.
Quarterfinal motion: THW instruct juries to acquit where they believe conviction not to be in the public interest.
Semifinal motion: THB in a constitutional right to a minimum standard of living.

Round 1 - Thbt the criminal justice system should only utilize secular rehabilitation programs.
Round 2 - THW make indigenous communities exempt from laws pertaining to environmental protection.
Round 3 - This house would introduce an international minimum wage.
Round 4 - Thbt the propagation of extreme nationalism during the War on Terror do/did/does more harm than good.
Round 5 - Thbt professional sporting leagues should be responsible for sports related injuries and conditions for the lifetime of their athletes.
Round 6 - This House would allow the defendants that belong to a minority group to choose to be judged by a jury composed exclusively of other members of their same minority group.
Semifinal motion - THBT the international community should Recognize the leadership of populist uprisings over their national governments. 

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