Kumpulan Naskah Speech
Topic: How to face globalization Era. Grade: for SMP, SMA/SMK, College. (script-pdf). download: click-here»»…
Topic: Negative Effects of Television. Grade: for SMP, SMA/SMK, College. (script-pdf). download: click-here»»…
Topic: Barack Obama’s Inaugural Address Speech (Pidato pelantikan Barack Obama). (script-pdf). download: click-here»»…
Topic: Valedictory Speech (Pidato Perpisahan), occasionally used in school farewell/graduation ceremony (biasanya digunakan dalam upacara perpisahan atau penamatan sekolah). Grade: for SMP, SMA/SMK, College. (script-pdf). download: version1: click-here»»…, version2_full-english: click-here»»…
Topic: Valedictory Speech_Original-English_Xavier Education School. Grade: for SMA/SMK, College. (script-pdf). download: click-here»»…
Topic: Valedictory Speech_Original-English_Santana High School. Grade: for SMA/SMK, College. (script-pdf). download: click-here»»…
Topic: The Importance of Mastering English. Grade: SMA/MA/SMK/University (script pdf_written by Jasmansyah). download: click-here»»…
Topic: John F Kennedy’s Inaugural Address Speech (Pidato Pelantikan John F Kennedy). (script-pdf). download: click-here»»…
Topic: Condolezza Rice’s Speech on Opening Statement to the Comission. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Topic: Barack Obama’s Speech at Cairo University: New Beginning. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…Naskah Drama Bahasa Inggris
Title: The Candidate (General Election for the Legislator). Grade: SMP, SMA/SMK, College. (script-pdf). download: click here»»…
Title: Cinderella (The Little Glass Slipper). Grade: SMP, SMA/SMK. Script pdf, download: click here»»… You can also download Cinderella in pantomime; contemporary version; modern setting, audio and script on page here»»…
Title: Snow White. Grade: SMP, MTs, SMA, MA, SMK. (script pdf.) download: click here»»…
- Title: Beauty is a Beast, a drama script written by D. M. Larson, Copyright (c) 1996, 2004. Grade: SMA, MA, SMK, College, University. (script pdf.) download: click here»»…